I grew up Pentecostal Church of God in Christ, so you already know my decision to unsubscribe did not come easy. If you would have told me, I would be here 10 years ago I wouldn't have believed you! And I probably would have rebuked you to hell and sent you and your whole family there.

When I met my current husband, it was a requirement for him to be a "man of God" for me to even be with him. I didn't want him around my kids, none of that. Not only did we immerse our family in the church WE were extremely active as well. We went to church several times weekly, Sunday service (sometimes twice), choir rehearsal, Wednesday night Bible study, we sang on praise team, dance ministry, you name it. We were preparing ourselves to go to Seminary school together. So, with that being said we were locked in.
So here I am scrolling down my Facebook page one day and there was this pastor that said he left the church and proceeded to state why. Of course, I listened and immediately started to do my research. I wasn't researching to learn I was researching to prove him wrong in his stance. Fast forward that was the beginning of the end of me as a believer.
My husband and I was in limbo in our marriage for 3 years because of this. I couldn't unlearn the things I had learned so I wanted to move forward in my studies, and he wasn't buying it. This was the longest, hardest, most depressing time for me. I was lonely AF!! Connecting with other people in the same position as me was hard. Explaining to people that new me was even harder and exhausting.
It would take a story time to explain how my husband and I got on the same page, but we are now!! I share this to say that we are in the energy of wanting the truth and if you are in a space where you are questioning somethings, navigate that! Don't be afraid and don't allow anyone to shame you for it. If where you are currently is where you are supposed to be, a little additional knowledge will not take you from that. Trust where you are being lead.
What do I do for my spiritual grounding now? I focus on healing my traumas. I no longer cast my burdens on anything outside of me. I process my trauma, deal with it and heal. I humanize and forgive others. I understand they have had to deal with things in life that has made them be who they are today. I offer them the same grace I expect with that. I no longer participate in things that create division. The two things often said to never speak about in group settings is religion and politics, I don't participate. I meditate to create a strong mental space to operate and create the life I want. I keep my vibration high. I work to remove low vibrational emotions and thoughts from my mental space. I meet people where they are and try not to judge. I align my Chakras and speak with my ancestors often. I take responsibility for the current state of my life. If I don't like it, I focus on changing my mental space about it. I don't focus on the negative, I show gratitude for the positive. I work on genuine self-love for myself and offer grace when I need it.
People often ask, "who do you follow now". The answer is my own intuition. We've been programmed to believe we are nothing without worshiping something outside of us and in my opinion that is just not true. Our power has been stripped, and I work daily to regain my own trust in "knowing". My heaven and hell are the state of mind I allow myself to be in. Which part of me am I entertaining in a season to produce the results? My ego, which is most of the time the low vibrational thinking that produce low vibrational situations for me. Or my higher self which allows me to mentally manifest the things that make life worth living.
Knowledge is power. Power is understanding who you are. Knowing who you are gives you strength to stand. Get off your knees Goddess. You are not a victim, nor do you need to be saved. We have everything we need within us to be all we need to be in this season. The feminine energy of this planet is taking over, we need all on deck. Healed, happy and ready to rule.
Oops, looks like we are all out of tea. Thank you for sipping with Freshly Brewed.
Loc'd Lotus